




 國際愛地芽協會台灣分會(IDEA Taiwan)現任理事長









Lingering Memories of Younger Days in Lo-sheng


Chang Yun-Ming (president of IDEA Taiwan )


In 1966, when I was sixteen years old, I was arrested and loaded onto battle ship of navy from Kinmen, then send toTaiwanand segregated in Lo-sheng. At that time I never imagined leaving my homeland for entire life. In Lo-sheng, I lived Zhen-De female-only dormitory at first, which was called as “train building” because it looked very similar to a coach of special train for transporting patients to Lo-sheng.

In early1970’s, it started providing specific medicines for Hansen’s disease inTaiwan, fortunately I cured completely before long. However, other patients and sanatorium officials asked me not to go back home. They told that it we would not be accepted by outside society because discrimination and stigma was still so serious. Thus I have stayed here all my life, and gave up my dream and hope of life. Even some elite students from prestigious schools, for example Chien-kuo high school or Hua-lien high school, were segregated here, almost like sentenced to death, lost hope of living and got desperate. But one of my friends and I fortunately met a Buddhist group leader who teach us scriptures. Later, we often sneaked out the sanatorium to study handicraft techniques.

Lo-sheng is located at Hui-long area in Xin-zhuang district. Restrictions on outings used to be very rigid in the past. Even when we get the permission to go out, we were still afraid of disclosing our identities. Lo-sheng resident could not return home even after their death. We organized brass band for funeral dirge, also cremated their bodies inside the sanatorium in early days.

In 2005, when the news of ruling in favor of compensation, the case supported by Japanese lawyers, reported from Tokyo District Court, all the residents of Lo-sheng were gratified at this judgment and moved to tears.

Japanese lawyers told us that it was equal with lifetime segregation if “rehabilitations of recuperators were impeded by omission of the government”. Thus we placed requirements forTaiwangovernment on residency rights, lifetime care and memorializing our history which is full of hardships.

We have collected many pictures of our younger days in this book, and also gathered photographs with respect to the struggle in these eight years; including organizing the resident union of Lo-sheng, founding IDEA Taiwan, the process of international solidarity, protest demonstration assisted by huge numbers of younger supporters, cultural activities in Lo-sheng like concerts or lectures and etc.

I am so much pleased and proud of these processes to make effort for restoring our human rights and dignities.


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